
5 self-care tips for parents during self-quarantine

5 self-care tips for parents during self-quarantine

As news stories flood your social media feeds and television sets about COVID-19, anxiety can set in quickly. It can be even more overwhelming as a parent when you are faced with the reality of working from home, home schooling your children and working to keep them safe.

Now is not the time to put your self-care at the bottom of your to-do list. Here are five practical self-care tips that can help you achieve some balance during this time.

1. Take time to unwind

Give yourself a moment at the end of each day where you do something just for you, and if possible, with no kids. Take a bath, watch a favorite show or sit on your patio and enjoy a drink, responsibly. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to enjoy this moment. It will help you recenter and prepare for tomorrow.

2. Take a break from social media

While it is important to stay up-to-date on the news surrounding COVID-19, it can become overwhelming. Take a break from social media and put your phone down for at least a few hours each day.  This will help you keep things in perspective.

3. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to boost your immune system and ease anxiety. It will also help you pass the time. Participate in a free online fitness class, or have a dance party in your living room. Take a break from working and do some stretches. If your state’s stay-at-home order allows you to go outside, take a walk with the kids. Whatever it is, get up off the couch and get moving.

4. Be mindful

Mindfulness, living in the present moment, is a great way to help you find balance and manage your stress. Several people think of mindfulness as traditional meditation and breathing exercises. While those work for many, there are several other ways you can be mindful. Listed below are some quick mindfulness exercises that might help you throughout the day.

  • Eat your meals slowly. Pay attention to the taste. Is it sour, sweet or salty?
  • Sit on your patio and take a moment to listen to the birds chirping or feel the breeze.
  • Focus on a positive affirmation. Repeat it to yourself for 2 minutes straight.
  • Take a bath. Notice the feel and temperature of the water on your skin.
  • Write in your journal. Take a moment to write down your current feelings.

5. Take it one day at a time

Every day during self-quarantine will be different, and it will be filled with new adventures and challenges. Your kids might be super excited about home schooling one day and the next day completely hate it. You can have the energy to make a three course dinner, and the next day your kids eat cold cereal. That is OK. Brace yourself for these changes, and try to be flexible when they happen. Don’t blame yourself or others if things don’t go according to plan. This is a difficult time for everyone, so simply take it one day at a time.  

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